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Medication and pain
When I ask medical students about pain, they often think first about pain-killers - that's what we get taught most about in medical school!
While pain-killers, or analgesics, can sometimes help you manage pain or help you to do what you want to do, they may not address the underlying cause of your pain (see Pain info).
Most patients tell me that their analgesics "just take the edge off" or that they dull the pain a little.
So if you are on pain-killers it can be useful to use the 5 A's to help you and your doctor to decide how much help they are.
These patient information leaflets have been prepared by a working party led by the Faculty of Pain Medicine of the Royal College of Anaesthetists with the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Pain UK, the Royal College of Nursing and the British Pain Society.
Managing your pain effectively using "Over the Counter" (OTC) Medicines
Information for Adult Patients Prescribed Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammmatory Drugs (NSAIDS) for the Treatment of pain
Information about driving when taking medication from the Faculty of Pain Medicine
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