✦ Does pain stop you from doing the things you enjoy?
✦ Do you struggle to understand your pain?
✦ Do you want your pain to stop controlling you?
If any of these questions are true then this toolkit is for you!
THE PAIN TOOLKIT – a print version of this excellent guide to self- management by Pete Moore
Online Pain Toolkit website https://www.paintoolkit.org/ - available in many languages - from Africaans to Zulu!
great info for patients & professionals
Somatic tracking - a technique
of looking at how your pain behaves - found to be very effective in the Boulder Back Pain Study.
​MY BACK PAIN - A great site explaining about back pain and what to do about it.
Prof Peter O'Sullivan
Perth, Australis
PAIN HEALTH - How physio, movement and cognitive functional therapy can help you get pain under control
The RESTORE Back pain trial, published in the Lancet showed large improvements in pain and function
How much are your medications helping?

Opioids Aware - really good info from the Faculty of Pain Medicine
Pain Management Programmes
Online pain management programmes
The Pain Course from the
e-centre Clinic in Australia -
enrol in their research.
​​Pain Trainer – free access
to this online programme
from Duke University.
​Curable from the USA has
free content and a paid
section with good advice.
You can also be referred by
a pain specialist to the

The Zone of Tolerance - when you've got chronic pain it can really cramp your style - have a look at this video to have a think about how you might be able to stretch the edges of what you can do - Watch here
Body reprogramming - provides an understanding of your condition and how best to manage it to improve health.
From Prof Hyland - Plymouth Pain Service

Scottish Guidelines on the management of Chronic Pain - Full Guideline and Patient Guide
Quality Prescribing for Chronic Pain
Guidelines from the Scottish Government
everyone is welcome to access this information