Relaxation and Sleep
Lots of good information with relaxation too! From the Southhampton pain service - what's in a pain management programme + relaxation
Relaxation, Mindfulness and Meditation can have a really good effect on how you feel - AND how your pain feels
Nutrition - there is growing evidence of the link between what we eat and pain - find out more HERE
Pain can stop you sleeping - and if you don't get a good sleep you can certainly end up feeling tired and achy.
What's the best way to get better sleep? (Hint - it's not sleeping tablets!)
Using relaxation techniques can be really useful.
Also knowing about Sleep Hygiene can make a big difference - find out more by clicking the link. or there's more information HERE
SLEEPIO is a free Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia programme available top anyone in Scotland - just click "Just Help me Sleep"
There is a sleep course on Silver Cloud your GP can refer you
Livewell with pain has good info too
​The Sleep Well app is a download for your Iphone or Ipad

Getting a Good Night's Sleep - great information from Pain Concern.
Help for sleep, stress, resilience
You can sign up for online courses with Silvercloud
Self compassion has been shown to be highly effective - practices
Heads Up - loads of mental health resources
BREATHWORKS has free meditations
Breathworks is based on the experience of Vidyamala Burch who had a spinal injury when she was sixteen leading to
back surgeries and chronic pain.

Free phone help from Breathing Space
The Zone of Tolerance - when you've got chronic pain it can really cramp your style - have a look at this video to have a think about how you might be able to stretch the edges of what you can do - Watch here
1giantmind - learn to meditate in 12 lessons - easy