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Relaxation and Sleep


Lots of good information with relaxation too! From the Southhampton pain service - what's in a pain management programme + relaxation 

 Relaxation, Mindfulness and Meditation can have a really good   effect on how you feel - AND how your pain feels



Nutrition - there is growing evidence of the link between what we eat and pain - find out more HERE


Pain can stop you sleeping - and if you don't get a good sleep you can certainly end up feeling tired and achy.

What's the best way to get better sleep? (Hint - it's not sleeping tablets!)

Using relaxation techniques can be really useful.

Also knowing about Sleep Hygiene can make a big difference - find out more by clicking the link. or there's more information HERE       

SLEEPIO is a free Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia programme available top anyone in Scotland - just click "Just Help me Sleep"  

There is a sleep course on Silver Cloud your GP can refer you









Livewell with pain has good info too 


​The Sleep Well app is a download for your Iphone or Ipad 


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Getting a Good Night's Sleep - great information from Pain Concern. 

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Help for sleep, stress, resilience 

You can sign up for online courses with Silvercloud

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Self compassion has been shown to be highly effective - practices

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Heads Up - loads of mental health resources 



BREATHWORKS has free meditations 

Breathworks is based on the experience of Vidyamala Burch who had a spinal injury when she was sixteen leading to 

back surgeries and chronic pain.

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Free phone help from Breathing Space 

The Zone of Tolerance - when you've got chronic pain it can really cramp your style - have a look at this video to have a think about how you might be able to stretch the edges of what you can do - Watch here

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1giantmind - learn to meditate in 12 lessons - easy

Smiling Mind - free

mindfulness app


Curable - an online pain management programme - some free content and some subscription  - what people said ....

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© 2020 by Stephen Gilbert

While we believe all the information and advice on this website is based on expert advice and scientific evidence, we always advise that you consult your own doctor for any concerns you may have about your health.

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